Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Goodbye Old Apartment

We had just a couple things left in our old apartment, so my family of four took a trip to pack up the last of our belongings and say goodbye to the place that Clay and I have called home for the last five years.  Although we had more than outgrown our space with the addition of our son in 2007 and then our daughter in March of this year, it was still surprisingly difficult to say goodbye. 

I ran my hands over the now bare walls as I walked from room to empty room and recalled all the memories we made in this place: my brother's surprise birthday party was here when a friend lost her memory, our cat Sophie drinking from the bathroom faucet, nights Clay and I would sleep on the living room floor after a date night, bringing each of our newborn children home from the hospital, watching Narls take his first steps in our bedroom... 

It is time to go.  And while I know this and I'm ready for this, it doesn't make saying goodbye any easier.  


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