Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween friends and family!  I wish I had some pictures of our fabulous Halloween decor but I'm sad to admit that we have none up.  It's completely unlike me to not decorate for the season, especially Halloween which is my absolute favorite, but it's hard to decorate when you aren't even completely unpacked yet.

But I do have pictures- of my babies carving our first pumpkin in our new house. 

Tonight we will be trick-or-treating in our subdivision and I'm looking forward to meeting some neighbors and seeing what kind of candy-giving neighborhood this is.  

Friday, October 30, 2009


I just realized that we've been in our home over a month now and I haven't shared one picture of our main bathroom yet.  Well here ya go!  Enjoy :) 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eye of the Tiger

Cory finished painting today with the completion of our living room.  At some point the hallway going upstairs will be repainted but I have to first remove all the wallpaper (my brother's gift of painting covered only that, painting; no stripping of wallpaper which I don't blame him. That's hard work right there).  Also, the master bedroom and the bathroom will be painted but at this point I don't have any decorating ideas for those spaces so we're waiting. 

But yes, on to the living room:
Mesa Tan from the downstairs' family room was brought into this room, with an accent wall done in Sherwin-Williams' Tigereye.  I know, another accent wall. What can I say, I love them.  And oh man, I love this room. Imagine autumn all year long and you have the vibe of this space.  Perfection.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lean Green Lawn-Mowing Machine

Guess what we bought today?  Here I'll show ya:
A lawnmower!  And the best part about it?  Clay and I were actually excited about this purchase!  We feel so grownup and homeowner-ish. 

We've been pretty busy with our lawn the last couple of days.  Our neighbor across the street, Judy, introduced herself and gave us some tips on getting our landscaping ready for the winter. 

These hydrangeas, oh man.  For someone who has never so much as even owned a plant, they're a tad bit overwhelming.  The blooms are as big as Narls' head!  And while they're beautiful when they're in bloom, they're horrid as they start to die. 
So we spent an afternoon cutting them and the lilies "back".  Or is it "down"?  I don't even know.

Another thing I didn't know? There are compost bags specifically for yard waste and grass clippings.  Our town picks them up every week on trash day.  Very cool.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Introduction of the Teal Wall

The carpets are steamcleaned and the walls are painted!  I'm going to paint the cabinet doors and drawers for the built-ins tonight.  I didn't mention the teal wall when I was talking about this room's paint colors, did I? This room is going to pull double duty- it's our family room of course but it's also going to serve as an office.  I wanted a slight definition between the two areas and I thought an accent wall would be a perfect way to achieve this.  The color is Sherwin-Williams' Alexandrite and it's simply lovely.  I intend to tie everything together with pops of teal throughout the room.

Friday, October 16, 2009


My parents were over today and my 11-year-old brother Luke showed Narls a trick:
Well if this isn't an accident waiting to happen then I don't know what is.  I'll have to make sure I thank Luke for this, by perhaps "forgetting" his birthday.  No, what I really should do is make him finish removing the rest of the wallpaper that I've been sporadically picking at.  That'll teach him.

On a happier note, Cory started painting the family room and it looks so so good!
The walls are Mesa Tan and the built-ins will be painted Umber (both by Sherwin-Williams) tomorrow.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Neapolitan Ice Cream

I love it! Cory said the room now reminds him of neapolitan ice cream; he's close- it's a cupcake!  A chocolate cupcake (Sherwin-Williams' Rugged Brown) with strawberry frosting (Sherwin-Williams' Loveable).  

Thursday, October 8, 2009

While Visions of Cupcakes Dance in Your Head

Now that Cory is finished painting Narls' room, he will be moving on to Emerson's.  Narls' room will be very fresh and modern while Em's will be very much a girly nursery with various shades of pink, lots of sparkle, and cupcakes.  Of course cupcakes.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chalk It Up

Narls' room is looking amazing.  My brother asked me repeatedly if I was sure about the colors I picked  before he'd paint as each wall is a diffent - and bold! - color.  The five colors that will make up the palette for this space are black, cherry red, lime green (Sherwin-Williams' Hep Green), bright blue (Sherwin-Williams' Reflecting Pool) and a vibrant orange (Sherwin-Williams' Navel).  I think it's perfect for inspiring a tiny toddler mind so yes I'm feeling very sure about my color selections.  And another feature of this room that's prefect for a toddler?  The chalkboard wall!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fit For A Toddler

Remember when I said I would talk more about Narls' room?  Well how about some pictures instead?

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