Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lean Green Lawn-Mowing Machine

Guess what we bought today?  Here I'll show ya:
A lawnmower!  And the best part about it?  Clay and I were actually excited about this purchase!  We feel so grownup and homeowner-ish. 

We've been pretty busy with our lawn the last couple of days.  Our neighbor across the street, Judy, introduced herself and gave us some tips on getting our landscaping ready for the winter. 

These hydrangeas, oh man.  For someone who has never so much as even owned a plant, they're a tad bit overwhelming.  The blooms are as big as Narls' head!  And while they're beautiful when they're in bloom, they're horrid as they start to die. 
So we spent an afternoon cutting them and the lilies "back".  Or is it "down"?  I don't even know.

Another thing I didn't know? There are compost bags specifically for yard waste and grass clippings.  Our town picks them up every week on trash day.  Very cool.


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