Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Recap

I am happy to report that while our subdivision isn't a full-sized-candy-bar subdivision, it is a good-selection-of-mini-sized-candy-bars subdivision.  We got tons of Kit Kats, Snickers, Milky Ways, Twix; very few Sugar Daddies, Bit-O-Honeys; and absolutely none of those disgusting wax candies with the syrup inside or those weird peanut-y candies in the orange or black wrappers.

And the best part? My fireman and his firepuppy had an absolute blast walking around our cute little neighborhood, collecting candy and seeing all the houses decorated for the holiday.

They got tired about halfway through though so we headed home early. It was actually a good thing because we got to hand out candy for a bit too.  I'm in love with the little people of this subdivision.


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