Monday, December 28, 2009

Kitchen & Dining Room: Done!

The entire inspiration for these rooms came from my & Clay's love of red wine.  From the color to the accents, this space is a reflection of our interests and tastes.  I love it when homes achieve this and showcase the owner's personalities.

First up was removing the wallpaper and painting the walls a rich, warm burgundy (Sherwin-Williams' Fine Wine).  You can see a glimpse of the short wall that separates the dining room and living room which was painted in Sherwin-Williams' Harvest Gold (this not only ties into the room's color palette, but it is the color the entire hallway leading upstairs will be painted once the last of the wallpaper is removed). 

We were fortunate that not only did our home come with appliances, but the dishwasher, stove, refrigerator and microwave are each only a couple years old so they won't need to be replaced for a while.   

We hung a rack underneath the cabinets for our wine glasses and our wine corks are on display in a clear vase.  Other wine accents include the pot holders hung beside the stove and the wrought-iron signs that say 'vineyard' and 'wine tasting', which were purchased at JCPenney's. 

The burgundy & gold rugs were purchased from Target as was the mirror on the dining room wall.  The wine pictures on either side of the mirror were gifts I received many years ago. 

I liked these rooms before and I love them so much now! It's nice how just adding some paint and a couple personal touches can truly personalize your space.  It's instances like this that transform a house into a home.


Anonymous said...

I love this room and what you've done to it.

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