Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Family Room Mood Board

The new curtains in the family room have inspired me to do a mood board for this room.  It was very easy since the majority of the hard stuff (paint color, furniture, curtains) is already decided (and thankfully bought); it was mainly the more decorative stuff that I am having issues with.

For the bare tan wall (see this post if you have no idea what I'm talking about) I decided to buy the mosaic tiled mirror from Pier 1. The colors are perfect and a mirror on that wall would reflect so much sunshine.

Clay's design ideas came into play for the teal wall as he's always had an interest in globes and maps and suggested maybe they would work in that space. I'm thinking some espresso colored floating ledges holding framed maps and a mini globe or two? Genius. 

Other items include tall pillar candle holders for each side of the TV on the mantle, a basket for storing blankets and that amazing rug.  That's what I love about mood boards; not only do they help you really visual your space and how everything will flow together, they create an inventory of items you need to "finish" your room. This is especially helpful if you thrift and even when you're randomly out-and-about and spot that perfect item for a great price.


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