Saturday, October 2, 2010

Organizville, Here I Come

I love organization. Me and systems and arranging and classifying and a-place-for-everything-and-everything-in-it's-place are best friends. Best friends forever best friends.

I'm really kinda shocked that more of my house is organized. I blaming this on the blissfulness of that first year in our house and how my focus was on all the fun decorating stuff. But I'm at a stand still with that (read: decorating budget is maxed out) so it's the perfect time to tackle the ugly messy stuff (it's free to organize right?) that's hiding in drawers and closets and omg the basement.

So I'm going to spend the majority of October working on getting our problem areas organized. I don't think it's realistic that they get completed this month (but my god, how amazing would that be?) but I am giving myself a December 31 deadline. Casa de' Clami (you like what I did there? Clay? Ami? Clami? Oh whatever, it's cute) is starting the new year out completely organized.

The areas I'll be working on:
1. Basement
2. Computer Desk
3. Kitchen Pantry (and under the sink)
4. Bathroom Closet (and again, under the sinks)
5. Bedroom Closet (and hopefully, maybe, please please my shoes)
6. Spare Room Closet

I'm a little on the fence about the organizing my shoes and the spare room closet only because I know both of those projects are going to involve an organizing structure of some sort and I know those aren't free. We'll see.

And now some proof just so we're all clear that it can indeed be done (because we all know it didn't happen unless there are pictures):

This is actually their basement and it looks amazing. Very inspiring.

I can I just say I LOVE THIS all loud & proud like because I totally do.

These two have done everything, I swear.

And if that wasn't enough to get an organizing fire started under your ass then go sign up for Martha Stewart's Organizing Tip of the Day, delivered bright and early every morning thru the interwebs and into your email.  You can thank me later.


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